Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bon Appetite!

So I Googled " How to make home made French fries", and found this recipe. Everything seemed great. Until I got distracted when my mother called and accidentally put the stove on High, for the grease to get hot. Well I don't know if you know this or not, but high is a bit too high. So without noticing my error I proceed to dump in the fries. When the pot of oil begins to bubble up and smoke arises. Well it only took about 1 minute for it to scorch the taters. Smoke fills the room I still have yet to find out what went wrong. I am standing there in shock. When ding! Ah the stove is too high I turn it off move the pot over and scoop the dead, fried, burnt "fries" onto a plate. My eyes were starting to burn from all the smoke, so we decided to leave. I was too upset to make anything for dinner, so we went to Burger King. Now I am paying for it! Well enjoy your nice crunchy fries people!


Domenick said...

Yummy in my tummy! I still think ketchup could have saved them and people please don't believe the "accidentally" put it on high. She thought the 500+ degrees would get them done faster is all :p

Anonymous said...

Hi, "homemadewithlove" here. I just noticed your linkback to me, and thought I'd come check it out. I'm so sorry that the fries didn't turn out as you wished, but don't give up. It's easier (and safer) with a cool-touch deep fryer, but it can be done with a heavy pot as well, just don't turn it on high (as you learned). It takes patience, but medium is about as high as you want to take it, and use a candy thermometer to measure the temperature before putting your fries in the grease. Another good tip is to take ONE DROP of water and "throw it" at the oil in the pot (but stand back). If the water makes it sizzle and bubble then you know the oil is hot enough, if not, keep heating it...just not on high, hehe.