Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy!

Yesterday Dustin invited us over for dinner, so we told him we would bring the dessert. I decided to bake peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! I was really excited this would be my first time baking cookies from scratch. It started out nice Dom was fixing the computer, and Vinny was playing in his play pen. I opened the recipe I bookmarked on the computer , and got down to business. I got all the way done with the dough when Vincenzio decided he had enough of his play pen.

So I got him out and he was doing fine just playing with the rinsed off measuring cups, so I began rolling the dough into little balls and putting them on the tray.

Right after this Vincenzio wasn't content playing with the measuring cups anymore, and was screaming at my ankles scratching at my pants. So in a hurry to save my poor sons life I forgot to flatten the cookies! :-O I know oh the horror! I didn't even remember until they were suppose to be done cooking, so alas those ones didn't turn out the best, eatable yes, the best no. So I took them out and put them on the cooling rack, and pulled the next batch from the fridge, removed the plastic wrap and put them in the oven. Now this batch was OK again not the best, but OK. I was beginning to feel defeated, and that my "house" wife/mommy dreams were capoot. But then a miracle happened! Dom took Vincenzio and I was able to actually pay attention to the last batch. And boy did they turn out good!

Well they tasted good! They didn't look too good lol. We think there were too much "chunks" in the cookies and not enough dough, so they weren't in the perfect round circle lol. Oh well to quote Dom " I don't care how the look as long as the taste freaking delicious!". Ah you got to love that man! Well I guess I'll have to learn from this for next time. What should we bake next? I'm thinking chocolate chip cookies, you? Well grab a napkin, cookie, and glass of milk and enjoy!

Oh And again Dom and Dustin said they were delicious I guess they are now officially my food critics.

Lesson learned: You do not become insta baking cookie making genius over night!

1 comment:

Domenick said...

As you can tell by the top picture the ratio of dough to goodies is a bit on the small side. They are delicious though. Just a bit CHUNKY! Haha.