Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Belated Fathers Day!

Fathers Day Collage 2, originally uploaded by vincenzio.verga.

Wow I can't believed this slipped my mind how could I forget? Well on Father's Day Vincenzio and I woke up and gave papa lots of love and kisses. We showed him his fathers day card. Dom loved it :D, but I already knew he would ; ). I made us some breakfast then we all took a little nap. Then headed for the airport. I know what you're thinking. Who wouldn't want to spend their day at the airport. Talk about fun!! Yipee! Dom had to leave a bit early. So I was scared out of my mind. This was my first plane ride, and I was pretty sure I was going to die! But alas the plane ride wasn't that bad. Vinny and I took a little nap and we were fine! We made it safe and sound to Utah! Although I did have a major migraine, but I'll stop whining.

Happy Fathers Day Dom and all the other wonderful fathers out there!

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