Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vincenzio is 9 months! (written by Domenick aka Dadda)

Well son, 9 months has come and gone. You are so big now and your personality so defined. I love you more and more each day and can't wait to be home with you after work. You just recently started really recognizing me I think. When I come home now you smile really big and crawl up to me excited to see me. It melts my heart. I watched you take your first few steps alone the other day. You stood up next to the door and started off the floor. You were so happy and amazed with yourself after. It was so fun to watch and my heart fluttered throughout. Let's give a quick rundown of what else you have been up to:

1. You broke daddy's computer by pulling on the cords. You sure love cords and cables. Any time you can find one you are all over it. While we are on the subject of cables, you also broke daddy's phone adapter by sucking on the end.

2. Speaking of things you broke, you broke in 6th teeth already and it seems that your teething has slowed down a bit (Less drooling all the time).

3. You have been exceptionally mean to Poe and I think he may just be at wit's end with you about it. It seems he doesn't enjoy your wrestling moves as much as you do and he isn't prone to check-ups either and thus doesn't like your poking and proding at his ears, eyes, and mouth. While he hasn't outwardly discussed his disdain for you, I believe it is building as he has had to give you a few warning barks lately and looked to me for help.

4. After some time, I taught you how to get down from the bed successfully feet first. It seems you have some kind of love for banging your head into things and for the longest time you would always get down from things head first. Every time it would end in tears, rug burns, and bruises. I spent like 20 minutes with you turning you around at the edge of the bed and sliding you down feet first. I am proud to say I have seen you do it several times on your own now. Nice job!

5. Your favorite song, that I can tell thus far, seems to be the Itsy Bitsy Spider. At least it always sort of calms you and gets you to pay attention. You always laugh when I do the sun with your arms. Not sure why, I don't think it is particulary funny. But you have loved it since you were a tiny baby.

6. Bathtime is fun. I love watching you just sit and splash in the water playing with your toys.

7. Bathtime is not fun. The other day you peed while we were both in there and I drain the water for sanitary reasons.

8. We tried giving you real food and you didn't take very well to it. You made great faces though which made me laugh. I always tend to laugh at your plight. I know I shouldn't, but you just crack me up kid. You took a little bit of the carrots down and pretty much none of the avocados. Making faces and squirming around the whole time. I swear I have seen you eat dirt and dog hair before though as happily as can be. I don't know, maybe you will be a weird picky eater like your mom (I hope not!).

(trying avocados) (trying carrots)

9. You make tons of noises now when playing with your cars and trucks. I would like to think you got this from me. I played with you a few times and made motor noises. You tried to mimic it but less with your lips and more with your throat. It sounds really close and is hilarious because now you do it all of the time.

10. On the talking front, you seem to sort of say some other things. I swear I have heard you sort of make sounds like mama. You have said Dada forever (of course). Also sometimes I yell "hey" at you and I swear it sort of sounds like you try to mimic it back when you yell.

Getting into everything
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Alone time, but not too alone
Being twirled around and bounced down the stairs
Spoons and straws
Looking out the patio window
Breaking things
Passing a ball back and forth, though your arm could use some work :p
Pulling momma's hair
Crapping your pants

Long rides in the carseat
Food from anywhere other than mommy's boobs
Daddy seeing movies in the theater (The Dark Knight and Ironman come to mind, remind me to tell you the story)
Getting a diaper put on
Too much time with daddy (think you get uneasy if it is too long)
Daddy's movies (could go either way, you toss them like you hate them, but you do it so often I think you love them)
Sitting still
Daddy going to work (assuming a little here)

Well, I love you so much. You are amazing to me in every possible way. I love watching you grow up and get bigger, smarter, and stronger. You are the greatest single thing that has ever happened to me (tied with your mom of course). Thank you for everything you have brought to our lives. I hope I can be a great dad and live up to the greatness you have already shown to me. I love you Vincenzio and always will even when we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye. Remember please that I am always here for you and that I love you more than myself.

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