Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nakey baby on the loose

Vinny has learned to take his diapers off! So today he took it half off and decided to poo on the carpet. I look over after hearing him poo and just hope that it all fell in the half still on. Nope of course not cause that would make my day easy. So I take him clean him off. Go get the baking soda and vinegar. When I come back most of the poop is up. Whhhaaaa???? Is this some magical self cleaning poo? Nope! The dog decided to help himself to a little snack. Gross I know. Well the clean up wasn't as bad as I thought so I guess you have to have some silver lining, right?

1 comment:

Domenick said...

UGH and UGH! Hate finding out about all the horrible things that happen at home through this blog.

Remind me not to kiss the dog.