Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How Jazmin came to be, the story of a name.

There my mom was getting an ultrasound done to determine the sex of her second child. Excited, hoping to this time to be carrying a son. After sitting there in much anticipation the ultrasound tech claimed myself to be a boy! My mother was very happy she would have one of each! The months went by with my mom calling me Troy James Ford II, buying boys clothes and accessories as the days went on. On March 6th, she went to the hospital to be induced. This was the day she would meet her darling son, or so she thought. After hours of very hard labor, my mom was greeted with a 8lb 13oz baby girl! I'm sure our first meeting was bitter sweet. She was happy to have yet another beautiful daughter, but also mourned the "loss" of her son. Now she had to think of a new name. My dad also bummed that he would no longer have a son to carry on his family name, wanted me to have his name. He insisted that they still keep the name Troy James Ford II. My mom wholeheartedly disagreed (thank god!), but compromised and I was to be named Troy-Shawnda Moncheel Ford. Can you imagine...

Boy: Hey there.
Me: Hi!
Boy: I'm Bobby. What's your name?
Me: Troy-Shawnda
Boy: *puzzled*
Me: *confused*
Boy: *laughter*
Me: *tears*
Boy: *more laughter*
Me: *swift kick of justice to the groin*
Boy: *tears*
Me: *laughter*

Countless visitors stood in shock when not only my sex, but my name was revealed. My mom decided then that Troy-Shawnda was too ghetto even for her. Back to the drawing board for the two of them. Although upset, my dad came running back in with a name, "Jasmine". Mom was hesitant at first. Where did he get the name? Maybe from the actress Jasmine Guy ( his celebrity crush) from the TV show "A Different World". My mom agreed, but she had to put her own touch on the name, and that is were the spelling of my name came from. Yes the horrific spelling of my name. I always loathed the spelling of my name as a child. I could never find any personalized things with my name anywhere. I am always correcting people on the spelling.

Person: Your name?
Me: Jazmin
Person: *begins to write*
Me: *Mutters* Um with a "Z" and no "E".

It is quite annoying that people assume that all Jazmin's are spelled with an S and E. Another story for another day I suppose. I for one am just glad I was never named Troy James II, or the wonderfully hyphened, Troy-Shawnda. I have the odd feeling that I just wouldn't quite be the person I am today with either of those names.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going Green and Getting Crafty With It!

Every time we go grocery shopping we end up with a tons of plastic bags! The bottom of our pantry is full of them! We could open our own grocery store if we wanted. A few months ago on a Martha Stewart episode she was decorating some canvas tote bags, and ever since then I have been wanting to do the same. So finally we went to Jo-annes and bought some canvas bags. While we were there we picked up some more scrapbooking supplies. I have been really bored at home. As I cannot really get out much since 1.) I cannot drive 2.) Dom is at work throughout the week with the only car we have. This week I have made one scrapbook page. I would like to have made more, but the ink in the photo printer Dom got me for xmas has been printing weird. He thinks it's because I barely used it. I'll have to put that on hold until we can buy more ink.

I/we have also decorated two of the tote bags. We decorated one with everyone's hand(and paw) print! Then I decorated the second one. I painted " Groceries" and drew some vegetables and fruit on it. Dom thinks that was silly " I don't think I have ever saw a grocery bag with groceries written on it ". All in all it has been fun. I can't wait to decorate the last one, but I am out of ideas

Blue(Dom) and Yellow(me) makes Green(Vincenzio), and then there is Orange(Poe the dog)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Avocados Please!

One of Dom's coworkers was nice enough to give us her daughters old high chair, so I though it would be great to let Vincenzio "feed" himself and get to know solid foods on his terms. I got the avocados out squashed them up, and put some in a small bowl for Vincenzio to experiment with. I put him in the high chair and he quickly went for the spoon and then banged it on the bowl. He seemed to be enjoying himself, but had the spoon upside down so I showed him how to hold it and tried to give him a bite. He wasn't having it at all! He made a weird face turned the spoon upside down again and started banging it everywhere. Then he put his hands into the bowl and was squishing the avocados in his hand. I still don't think he cares for the taste of avocados, although he was licking his hands after wards. Oh and after I got him all cleaned up and let him down to play he found a tortilla chip, and he seemed to love that :-/. I guess I really need to go by those eyes to put on the back of my head. It seems like every time I go to clean one of his messes he gets into something. Well without further ado here are some pictures of Vincenzio "feeding" himself!

Recent Maternity Shoot

Last Friday I had a maternity shoot. It was pretty exciting. Where we were at wasn't the best source of lighting so it took me awhile to get the setting just right (yup I shot them all in manual hehehe). I tried to hurry cause it was getting hot (I hate AZ summers), and she was getting uncomfortable. We took a small break I found a fan to put on her, and everything was going smoothly again. When we had first spoken she said she wanted to do nude photo's, and I was a bit nervous. So I asked her if she was still up for it and she said of course, but was a bit nervous. I suggested we start with her in her bra and pants then we would work our way up(or down). After a few minutes of that we tried some topless ones. I really love how those came out they look so beautiful. Then I shot of some of her just in her underwear. She was great to work with, and had a cute little belly too. Here are some of the pictures enjoy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vincenzio is 9 months! (written by Domenick aka Dadda)

Well son, 9 months has come and gone. You are so big now and your personality so defined. I love you more and more each day and can't wait to be home with you after work. You just recently started really recognizing me I think. When I come home now you smile really big and crawl up to me excited to see me. It melts my heart. I watched you take your first few steps alone the other day. You stood up next to the door and started off the floor. You were so happy and amazed with yourself after. It was so fun to watch and my heart fluttered throughout. Let's give a quick rundown of what else you have been up to:

1. You broke daddy's computer by pulling on the cords. You sure love cords and cables. Any time you can find one you are all over it. While we are on the subject of cables, you also broke daddy's phone adapter by sucking on the end.

2. Speaking of things you broke, you broke in 6th teeth already and it seems that your teething has slowed down a bit (Less drooling all the time).

3. You have been exceptionally mean to Poe and I think he may just be at wit's end with you about it. It seems he doesn't enjoy your wrestling moves as much as you do and he isn't prone to check-ups either and thus doesn't like your poking and proding at his ears, eyes, and mouth. While he hasn't outwardly discussed his disdain for you, I believe it is building as he has had to give you a few warning barks lately and looked to me for help.

4. After some time, I taught you how to get down from the bed successfully feet first. It seems you have some kind of love for banging your head into things and for the longest time you would always get down from things head first. Every time it would end in tears, rug burns, and bruises. I spent like 20 minutes with you turning you around at the edge of the bed and sliding you down feet first. I am proud to say I have seen you do it several times on your own now. Nice job!

5. Your favorite song, that I can tell thus far, seems to be the Itsy Bitsy Spider. At least it always sort of calms you and gets you to pay attention. You always laugh when I do the sun with your arms. Not sure why, I don't think it is particulary funny. But you have loved it since you were a tiny baby.

6. Bathtime is fun. I love watching you just sit and splash in the water playing with your toys.

7. Bathtime is not fun. The other day you peed while we were both in there and I drain the water for sanitary reasons.

8. We tried giving you real food and you didn't take very well to it. You made great faces though which made me laugh. I always tend to laugh at your plight. I know I shouldn't, but you just crack me up kid. You took a little bit of the carrots down and pretty much none of the avocados. Making faces and squirming around the whole time. I swear I have seen you eat dirt and dog hair before though as happily as can be. I don't know, maybe you will be a weird picky eater like your mom (I hope not!).

(trying avocados) (trying carrots)

9. You make tons of noises now when playing with your cars and trucks. I would like to think you got this from me. I played with you a few times and made motor noises. You tried to mimic it but less with your lips and more with your throat. It sounds really close and is hilarious because now you do it all of the time.

10. On the talking front, you seem to sort of say some other things. I swear I have heard you sort of make sounds like mama. You have said Dada forever (of course). Also sometimes I yell "hey" at you and I swear it sort of sounds like you try to mimic it back when you yell.

Getting into everything
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Alone time, but not too alone
Being twirled around and bounced down the stairs
Spoons and straws
Looking out the patio window
Breaking things
Passing a ball back and forth, though your arm could use some work :p
Pulling momma's hair
Crapping your pants

Long rides in the carseat
Food from anywhere other than mommy's boobs
Daddy seeing movies in the theater (The Dark Knight and Ironman come to mind, remind me to tell you the story)
Getting a diaper put on
Too much time with daddy (think you get uneasy if it is too long)
Daddy's movies (could go either way, you toss them like you hate them, but you do it so often I think you love them)
Sitting still
Daddy going to work (assuming a little here)

Well, I love you so much. You are amazing to me in every possible way. I love watching you grow up and get bigger, smarter, and stronger. You are the greatest single thing that has ever happened to me (tied with your mom of course). Thank you for everything you have brought to our lives. I hope I can be a great dad and live up to the greatness you have already shown to me. I love you Vincenzio and always will even when we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye. Remember please that I am always here for you and that I love you more than myself.

Cause I'm a Big Girl Now!

On Wednesday I shot in manual for the first time. For those of you who are wondering what shooting in manual is, don't worry your pretty little heads this will explain it all. Wow did the photo's turn out ok and great lol. I had a few lighting issues in the beginning, but towards the middle I got them worked out! Next step understanding lighting! I also tried the tea cup for the first time Vincenzio wasn't too happy about that, and didn't cooperate either. So it was a long learning experience lol.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bon Appetite!

So I Googled " How to make home made French fries", and found this recipe. Everything seemed great. Until I got distracted when my mother called and accidentally put the stove on High, for the grease to get hot. Well I don't know if you know this or not, but high is a bit too high. So without noticing my error I proceed to dump in the fries. When the pot of oil begins to bubble up and smoke arises. Well it only took about 1 minute for it to scorch the taters. Smoke fills the room I still have yet to find out what went wrong. I am standing there in shock. When ding! Ah the stove is too high I turn it off move the pot over and scoop the dead, fried, burnt "fries" onto a plate. My eyes were starting to burn from all the smoke, so we decided to leave. I was too upset to make anything for dinner, so we went to Burger King. Now I am paying for it! Well enjoy your nice crunchy fries people!

Oh Boy Oh Boy My Boy......

Is'a Walkin'!!!!!!!! Vincenzio was standing by the door, and Dom saw him take the first step then yelled at me to look then he took 3 more, then fell to the ground to crawl :D!! Hopefully there will be no more walking to come lol. Don't want him to grow up :(.

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy!

Yesterday Dustin invited us over for dinner, so we told him we would bring the dessert. I decided to bake peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! I was really excited this would be my first time baking cookies from scratch. It started out nice Dom was fixing the computer, and Vinny was playing in his play pen. I opened the recipe I bookmarked on the computer , and got down to business. I got all the way done with the dough when Vincenzio decided he had enough of his play pen.

So I got him out and he was doing fine just playing with the rinsed off measuring cups, so I began rolling the dough into little balls and putting them on the tray.

Right after this Vincenzio wasn't content playing with the measuring cups anymore, and was screaming at my ankles scratching at my pants. So in a hurry to save my poor sons life I forgot to flatten the cookies! :-O I know oh the horror! I didn't even remember until they were suppose to be done cooking, so alas those ones didn't turn out the best, eatable yes, the best no. So I took them out and put them on the cooling rack, and pulled the next batch from the fridge, removed the plastic wrap and put them in the oven. Now this batch was OK again not the best, but OK. I was beginning to feel defeated, and that my "house" wife/mommy dreams were capoot. But then a miracle happened! Dom took Vincenzio and I was able to actually pay attention to the last batch. And boy did they turn out good!

Well they tasted good! They didn't look too good lol. We think there were too much "chunks" in the cookies and not enough dough, so they weren't in the perfect round circle lol. Oh well to quote Dom " I don't care how the look as long as the taste freaking delicious!". Ah you got to love that man! Well I guess I'll have to learn from this for next time. What should we bake next? I'm thinking chocolate chip cookies, you? Well grab a napkin, cookie, and glass of milk and enjoy!

Oh And again Dom and Dustin said they were delicious I guess they are now officially my food critics.

Lesson learned: You do not become insta baking cookie making genius over night!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nakey baby on the loose

Vinny has learned to take his diapers off! So today he took it half off and decided to poo on the carpet. I look over after hearing him poo and just hope that it all fell in the half still on. Nope of course not cause that would make my day easy. So I take him clean him off. Go get the baking soda and vinegar. When I come back most of the poop is up. Whhhaaaa???? Is this some magical self cleaning poo? Nope! The dog decided to help himself to a little snack. Gross I know. Well the clean up wasn't as bad as I thought so I guess you have to have some silver lining, right?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My baby's no whinner.....

Because he is a signer! Well sort of anyways! He can mimic the sign for milk, but I don't think he really understands that it is for milk. He's getting there though! I signed milk and he copied so I let him nurse. Then later I asked him if he wanted some of mommy's milk and he signed it :D! Soon he'll be crawling up to me, and instead of banging his head into my chest or pulling at my shirt he can sign milk to me.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'm a baking success!

N 046
Originally uploaded by j.fordphotography
Today I tried my hand at baking from scratch! Dom has been whining about how he wants a pineapple upside down cake, so I thought I would bake one for him. I was so excited the whole time, that I actually messed up half way through and had to throw all the mix away and start over. But the final result turned out great ( well so says Dom and our friend Dustin. I don't care for Pineapple upside down cake). Hearing that made me so unbelievably happy. Next task peanut butter cookies (something I actually don't like, but love!!). Well I brought some plates and forks grab a slice and enjoy :D!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Elizah is One Years Old!

E6(1), originally uploaded by vincenzio.verga.

Wow the time has gone. My little niece is now one! She is such a little beauty. She is walking all over the place and talking up a storm. Vinny and her adore each other their the best of cousins :D! I can't wait to do an actual 1 year photo shoot with her, but for now this will do! Happy first birthday Elizah! Auntie loves you!

Just Keep Swimming Just Keep Swimming Just Keep Swimming Swimming Swimming!

N 503, originally uploaded by vincenzio.verga.

I finally took Vincenzio swimming! He had an ok time. I don't think he either loved or hated it. I can't wait until he is old enough to actually swim without the floaty!

Happy Belated Fathers Day!

Fathers Day Collage 2, originally uploaded by vincenzio.verga.

Wow I can't believed this slipped my mind how could I forget? Well on Father's Day Vincenzio and I woke up and gave papa lots of love and kisses. We showed him his fathers day card. Dom loved it :D, but I already knew he would ; ). I made us some breakfast then we all took a little nap. Then headed for the airport. I know what you're thinking. Who wouldn't want to spend their day at the airport. Talk about fun!! Yipee! Dom had to leave a bit early. So I was scared out of my mind. This was my first plane ride, and I was pretty sure I was going to die! But alas the plane ride wasn't that bad. Vinny and I took a little nap and we were fine! We made it safe and sound to Utah! Although I did have a major migraine, but I'll stop whining.

Happy Fathers Day Dom and all the other wonderful fathers out there!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vincenzio is 8months!

DSC_0662, originally uploaded by vincenzio.verga.

Wow I can't believe my little man is 8 months old. Not much has changed. He has two and a half teeth, and a gum that is swollen so that should be breaking through any day now! Hi is a very rambunctious little guy now. He is always getting into something. He has had so many bumps and scrapes in just about a month it's not funny. I know what I have to look forward to in the future though. Man oh man I'm not liking it lol. Well I haven't had time to do a photo shoot with him so here are some snap shots.

My fiance is the best!

We have been apart for a week now (although it seems like years). I miss him so much! And he made me a video montage to our song. We will dance to this song at our wedding :). Well enjoy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just updating

Originally uploaded by j.fordphotography
I had a recent photo shoot a few weeks ago. I had a lot of fun. Tried a new "edgy-er" shot. I am really pleased at how it came out. I still need to work on cropping too closely, cutting off body parts, and washing out faces. I also need to remember to shoot on different levels and angles. Well practice makes perfect :D. To see the rest of the portraits from this photo shoot click here.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rule of Thirds

So I have been working on the rule of thirds lately. Just wanted to branch out and try new techniques. The rule of thirds is a technique that brings more focus to the subject, and makes the photograph more appealing to the eye. I personally love the way the pictures look when taken like this. Your eyes is automatically drawn in to the subject, and it gives the rest of the picture a nice clean look. I will continue to work on this some more as I have not fully gotten it down. Hope you enjoy the photos. Constructive criticism is always welcomed :)

Here is a resource for the rule of thirds:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My beloved son

Vincenzio is now 7months. My how time has quickly come and gone! Seems like yesterday Domenick and I were rubbing my belly imagining what was to come, and he is here. He has blossomed into a lovely chunky guy. He is cutting his first tooth. We haven't really had none of the dreadful teething woes, so that's a point for Vinny! He has been crawling for awhile now. It's so amazing to watch him be so mobile when a couple of months ago he just laid there like a lump on a log. He likes to pull all of papa's movies off the shelves. It seems as if it is his goal to see how many times he can make mommy run to and from the chair to the movie shelves. He is pulling himself up on things, and letting go standing by himself for about 10-20 seconds. He gets so excited when he lets go witch in turn makes him fall. He loves the dog. The two of them are inseparable. Just like the movies. I move him away from the dog either he crawls back to the dog or the dog prances ( yes our basset hound "prances" like a little fairy.) back over to the baby. Vincenzio has also started doing this cute little lip smack after he is done eating. It is the most precious thing I have ever seen. He'll come crawling towards the breast for me to feed him, than after he is done nursing he pops of and gives me a few lip smacks with milk on his lips as to say " yum mommy that was great!". Makes my heart melt every time. Vinny has started to throw fits when he doesn't get his way. I know he can't really control himself. He doesn't understand whats going on and he is frustrated, but at times he frustrates me as well. I try to be patient, but when a 7month old is throwing his head into yours it gets a little irritating. He is starting to throw fits during diaper changes he 1: Doesn't want to lay still. 2: Wants to play with himself lol. So that has been fun. Trying to get a cloth diaper on a wiggling, tossing, turning 7month old. All in all little (or big) man is doing great! Until next time my friends!

Oh how I've missed thee

I am ashamed to say I haven't blogged since I got this thing up and going. I don't know what I really want this to focus on. I guess photography and the likes. Maybe a bit of my life here and there. Well we'll see what is to come.

So a few updates....
  • Photography: Where do I start with this? I finally got a Nikon *woot* *woot*! The one I chose was the Nikon D60. I went to the store held them all took a couple test shoots, and the D60 is the one I felt was just right for me :).
I have taken a liking to landscape photography and photographing things rather than people. They tend to sit still and don't whine, so I can get the perfect shot :).
For Mother's Day my fiance took me out to photograph some flowers. All though he did not think of the changing seasons. The church was in the middle of renovating its landscape, so there wasn't a lot of big beautiful flowers. Ah well, I was happy I got a few great shots from that day. It was a really great first Mother's Day, and I just want to wish the rest of you wonderful ladies a Belated Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The first of many

I'm new to all this blogging hubbub so bare with me.

My Goals
  • Get either a Nikon or Cannon before 2009
  • Start photography classes by 2009
  • Take a picture everyday
  • Learn more and more each day

Hello my name is Jazmin. I'm a mother to a beautiful four month old Vincenzio Anthony and fiance to Domenick. I am currently shooting with a Sony digital still camera DSC-F717. I've taken a liking to photography after looking through some other pros portfolio's. I have gotten better and better through trial and error and constructive criticism from some pro photographers. I will post some pictures I have taken from the good to the bad even the ugly :) .Hope you enjoy and CC is always welcomed. Thanks.