Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going Green and Getting Crafty With It!

Every time we go grocery shopping we end up with a tons of plastic bags! The bottom of our pantry is full of them! We could open our own grocery store if we wanted. A few months ago on a Martha Stewart episode she was decorating some canvas tote bags, and ever since then I have been wanting to do the same. So finally we went to Jo-annes and bought some canvas bags. While we were there we picked up some more scrapbooking supplies. I have been really bored at home. As I cannot really get out much since 1.) I cannot drive 2.) Dom is at work throughout the week with the only car we have. This week I have made one scrapbook page. I would like to have made more, but the ink in the photo printer Dom got me for xmas has been printing weird. He thinks it's because I barely used it. I'll have to put that on hold until we can buy more ink.

I/we have also decorated two of the tote bags. We decorated one with everyone's hand(and paw) print! Then I decorated the second one. I painted " Groceries" and drew some vegetables and fruit on it. Dom thinks that was silly " I don't think I have ever saw a grocery bag with groceries written on it ". All in all it has been fun. I can't wait to decorate the last one, but I am out of ideas

Blue(Dom) and Yellow(me) makes Green(Vincenzio), and then there is Orange(Poe the dog)

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