Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh how I've missed thee

I am ashamed to say I haven't blogged since I got this thing up and going. I don't know what I really want this to focus on. I guess photography and the likes. Maybe a bit of my life here and there. Well we'll see what is to come.

So a few updates....
  • Photography: Where do I start with this? I finally got a Nikon *woot* *woot*! The one I chose was the Nikon D60. I went to the store held them all took a couple test shoots, and the D60 is the one I felt was just right for me :).
I have taken a liking to landscape photography and photographing things rather than people. They tend to sit still and don't whine, so I can get the perfect shot :).
For Mother's Day my fiance took me out to photograph some flowers. All though he did not think of the changing seasons. The church was in the middle of renovating its landscape, so there wasn't a lot of big beautiful flowers. Ah well, I was happy I got a few great shots from that day. It was a really great first Mother's Day, and I just want to wish the rest of you wonderful ladies a Belated Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Amy AKA "Baba" said...

l love all of your pictures Jazmin. You have real talent. Keep your blog up you will probably end up with some admirers.

Amy- Liviana's Mom :)